You can see your mods in game by left clicking on your selected sim - which will then showcase any mods and mod options you have in your game. You can disable this pop-up, but it might be useful when it comes to double checking that your mods work and will show up in the game. With an overall rating of 78, Seasons seems to be a rare shine of quality in The Sims 3 's later expansions, though certainly not the last.

You love The Sims 3, but you want something more. There should be a pop-up when you load the game up, which will showcase all of the mods and custom content you currently have running on your game. Expansion packs that add weather and seasons into the game are always well-received by Simmers, and The Sims 3: Seasons is no exception. Find out which add-on is right for you with our extensive buyer's guide. Restart The Sims 4 - you will need to do this so that your new mods are launched along with the game. Drag all of your extracted files from this mod into your mod folder. Navigate to your documents folder in a new window, click on ‘Electronic Arts’, then ‘The Sims 4’, then ‘Mods’, which should showcase a folder with all of your mods in it. The Sims 3: Late Night Expansion Pack Review This expansion doesnt radically alter the Sims gameplay you know and love, but its got enough quality content to keep you partying late into the night. For any Worlds or additional downloadable items, use.

If you’re looking for a way to majorly shake up your Sims’ lives, the expansion packs are the way to go. These are the packs that offer new skills, new adventures, and loads of new content for your sims. Open your Downloads folder and unzip your mod, by left-clicking it and selecting ‘Extract’. The Sims 3 base game, Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs need to be redeemed on Origin. Expansion packs, as EA terms them, are the largest upgrades you can buy. Experience the complicated realities of adult life, then reap the benefits of growing up in each life stage.
Make sure your mods are ones that people are using and talking about (like the ones we’ve suggested below), so you don’t download anything that might be harmful. Enjoy a whole spectrum of rich life experiences with your Sims Start off in the imagination-fuelled world of childhood and embrace the drama of the teen years. You can find mods from The Sims Resource and various smaller creator’s websites as well. Download a mod of your choice into your Downloads folder.